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stelingo   December 15th, 2012 4:18p.m.


When I put 卧龙 in my study list, it came up with the translation 'wòlóng: (literally) hidden dragon; emperor in hiding' However when I went to check out the Chinese name of the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 卧虎藏龍, it seems that 卧 actually means crouching. Is this a mistake on Skritter or is there something I'm not getting?

夏普本   December 15th, 2012 4:34p.m.

Pleco translates 卧 combined with animals or birds as meaning crouching. But 卧龙 together translates as "sleeping dragon - a talent in obscurity", which I guess could be construed as hidden. Sorry cant offer any more help than that.

Then 藏龙卧虎(之地) translates as "a place where dragons and tigers are hiding - a place where people of unusual ability are found"

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