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Parts of words...

jcdoss   February 11th, 2011 4:25p.m.

I'm curious to know how you guys handle it when, for example, you're asked to write a word, but you miss the tone.

Of course, the system is set up to test you on tones separately. But if you are prompted for writing, and miss a different word element, shouldn't there be a way to account for that?

nick   February 12th, 2011 5:18p.m.

I'm not sure I understand the question. The tones are scheduled separately, so why would there be a need to account for it while doing the writing part? The tone will come up on its own when you need it.

jcdoss   February 12th, 2011 6:55p.m.

Because sometimes I note that the tones are showing up as due months later. I guess I knew them really well early on, then forgot them again.

nick   February 13th, 2011 12:24p.m.

Ah, yes. You could star the word and then do some starred practice to get them. Other than that, though, we don't have any way to manually reset the interval on an item.

jcdoss   February 16th, 2011 11:06a.m.

I wonder if there's any possibility of more manual control for this situation? Maybe grading buttons in the magnifying glass drop-down, or a reset button for words that just get away from me?

nick   February 16th, 2011 8:43p.m.

A reset button in the word popup could prove handy. I'll put that on the list for when we redesign that bad boy. Thanks for the suggestion!

jcdoss   July 29th, 2011 3:11p.m.

Any idea when this might get implemented? I've been dying to reset some tones and pinyins lately.

Byzanti   July 29th, 2011 3:46p.m.

Now, I may be completely wrong and imagining this, but I've noticed that if you try to add an item to the queue which is already in study, it will come up in practice right after (then you can mark it wrong).

It could just be a coincidence, in that me forgetting the word and the SRS realising I'm about to forget the word more or less coincides. But it happens so much, I wonder. Am I imagining it?

nick   July 29th, 2011 6:37p.m.

We've been running through the word popup redesign lately, and most features are going to make it in. We talked it over, though, and I don't think this one will. The added complexity in the interface and the time that users may be tempted to spend overusing it outweighed the specific benefits in our minds.

Starring the word or putting it in the scheduling-on scratchpad (with some other words, unfortunately) remain the only ways to do this. Or perhaps Byzanti's queue-as-refresh method. I admit that I seem to see the same thing, although as far as I know we don't have code to do that. Perhaps Scott can weigh in.

scott   July 30th, 2011 10:43a.m.

I checked the code and no, that shouldn't happen. Not in a way I can see anyway. I did a quick test and it didn't seem to change anything either.

Byzanti   July 30th, 2011 11:09a.m.

I've just done a test. I added three words I had before "新陈代谢“,”猕猴" and “耳机" to the queue (or try to).

I start practicing. The second word that comes up is 耳机. I practiced for a further 20 items, reloaded, but the other two didn't come up. 耳机 said it was 153% due. That's certainly wrong. It is something I added a very long time ago indeed, and was not a due item. I had already practiced today, and the rest of my stuff was around 101% due.

Not imagining it. But if you do find the responsible code, keep it. It's helpful!

jcdoss   July 30th, 2011 1:13p.m.

I couldn't get the Byzanti method to work, either. I added a couple words already in progress that weren't due, and they never showed up in a limited session for me.

The SRS method is quite good, and make no mistake, I've learned a ton of material here and quickly, but it's not infallible. The problem I have is that occasional words end up getting scheduled way too far out in the future and I never "really" learn them.

"Resetting" may be the wrong word. All I really want is the ability to mark wrong the parts of a "trouble word" what are scheduled far out in the future. Starring and drilling these words works OK, but being able to do this on the fly in a regular study session would be a lot more efficient.

If people overuse it, that's their prerogative, isn't it? I think I know better than Skritter whether or not I truly know a word, tone, etc, or else we wouldn't be having this discussion.

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