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how do I save a word list?

Bohan   April 23rd, 2010 5:35p.m.

I'm having trouble going to one of the many texbooks in the Skritter vocab section and saving a list so that anytime I want to go back to that exact list I can go to my "practice" tab and see it there.

I know I can "cram" any of the word lists on Skritter, just my clicking the cram button, but I'd like to be able to save a list so that I don't have to go back and find it every time I want to review the words.

Tips/pointers would be much appreciated!

Byzanti   April 23rd, 2010 6:30p.m.

If it's one you haven't completed you can click "start adding words from this list". If it's completed, you'll have to wait until the Skritter guys sort out old lists appearing on the practice page...

scott   April 26th, 2010 12:05p.m.

It should now work that way, since the updates I posted about last Tuesday. You can add a list to your lists to study either by clicking the cram button, or by going to the list and using the 'Study List' button (assuming you haven't already started studying it). Then, even when all the words have been added from the list, it should still be there on the practice nav page.

Is this what happens for you, or is it working differently than it's supposed to? If it's working differently, how is it going awry?

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