Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

problem with bamboo pen

awamoriman   March 2nd, 2011 6:04a.m.


My bamboo pen won't write correctly. When I try to write, it highlights squares of the screen in orange and has a notebook like look to it. Hard to explain. But anyway, right now it won't work on skritter.

FatDragon   March 2nd, 2011 7:15a.m.

First thing to check would be this document - http://www.skritter.com/wacoms/settings

I'm not sure what setting would cause the behavior you're experiencing, but it sounds like it's probably a settings issue. If not, perhaps you could share your OS and where exactly you have these issues, i.e. in browser windows, on the desktop, inside of an open folder, only on Flash boxes or the Skritter flash box, etc.

awamoriman   March 2nd, 2011 7:33a.m.

OK, thanks I figured it out from the wacom website. I had the inkwell turned on.

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