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How do I see numbered vocab....

Bohan   April 21st, 2010 3:57a.m.

I remember a while back when I had a Skritter trial account, I was able to the pinyin for the next 10 vocab words while drawing characters.

So, I remember I would make a list, and then after begining to practice that list, I could see the pinyin for the following ten words on the bottom of the sketch grid, which was convenient because I could skip to certain words if I wanted to. Is there a way for me do this now?

Byzanti   April 21st, 2010 4:30a.m.

Not as part of regular study, but I think that's how the scratchpad still works (look at the bottom of the practice page).

Ibid   April 21st, 2010 7:49a.m.

I too miss this option for studying lists. I have many vocab lists from chapters in my textbooks; it's nice to be able to quickly look back at which ones you got right and wrong on the list.

nick   April 21st, 2010 8:27a.m.

See, I kept telling them that some people liked the river control, but no--Scott and George be hatin'. I think it's nice. (I built it, so.)

But I don't think that it pulls its weight on practice modes with SRS enabled. You wouldn't be able to see forward or back very far, and it's a pain to keep the river synced up.

So yeah, it's now only on the scratchpad with progress tracking off. It could be on the demo/tutorial if we unhid it.

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