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靠山吃山: meaning?

InkCube   January 2nd, 2011 11:12a.m.

alternatvely: 靠山吃山,靠水吃水
I have only a very vague understanding of what this proverb means and am supposed to write a little story or essay based on it.

some interpretations or situations in which it would be used would help me a lot.

Foo Choo Choon   January 2nd, 2011 11:28a.m.


【示例】~,靠阎王吃小鬼。 ★《上饶集中营·集中营在福建》

--> "Those living on a mountain live off the mountain, those living near the water live off the water."

--> live according to the your environment's requirements and resources


Foo Choo Choon   January 2nd, 2011 11:40a.m.

This article looks like an interesting resource for your essay, it uses the 俗话 to describe an approach to 可持续发展 in forestry, called "现代林业行动计划"

The introduction is particularly interesting: "“靠山吃山,靠水吃水”,但“吃山”怎么个吃法却各有不同,有的是吃子孙饭、断子孙路,但有的却是越吃山越绿,越吃山越美。南云台林场现有山场3万亩,森林植被优良,多年来以开山采石、销售石子这种“靠山吃山”的模式,在为林场带来收入的同时也破坏了生态环境。"


InkCube   January 2nd, 2011 12:08p.m.

Thank you very much. I hope my Chinese will be good enough to understand the articles, but I'm sure with my trusty pop-up dictionary I'll get the gist of it. ;)

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