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Searching for all words with 1 similar character?

DaXia   February 8th, 2011 6:10a.m.

I noticed something that might be a bug or maybe it's just me being stupid.

When I search my words, for example let say I have a hard time the character 惠 and I would like to find all my words with 惠 like 贤惠, 恩惠 or 实惠. So I search for 惠 and I find nothing, although 贤惠 恩惠 实惠 all are in my wordlist (I can find them when searching for them one and one), but when you have like 6 000 words in your list its kind of hard to remember all words that you have with one specific char.

DaXia   February 8th, 2011 6:12a.m.

Also, it would be nice to be able to edit your posts here in the forum ^^

I wanted to add the question: Is it supposed to be this way or is it a bug?

nick   February 8th, 2011 8:33a.m.

Oh yeah; we have that on the list to get in there soon. Scott will be changing it such that it does pull in the words that use that character in the My Words search. It's currently the lack of a feature.

DaXia   February 8th, 2011 9:09a.m.

Cool! You guys should really get a "to do list" or "changes in progress list" on the page somewhere, so that users like me could check there first before complaining about problems that ur already aware off ^^

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