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Problem with changing study settings

JimAndress   December 17th, 2010 11:33p.m.

When I click on the button to change the study settings of a list, it opens a panel that says "Loading", but then it goes blank and only has the red x on the new popup panel.

nick   December 18th, 2010 8:47a.m.

Please check for JavaScript errors in your console (usually Ctrl+Shift+J). Also, can you tell me which list it is, so I can reproduce it? Thanks!

JimAndress   December 18th, 2010 10:20a.m.

It isn't popping up that there is an error, and it is happening for every list that I'm studying. The one that I noticed first was Integrated Chinese 1 (3rd edition).

nick   December 18th, 2010 10:43a.m.

Ah, I see--an IE bug. We'll get on this.

scott   December 20th, 2010 4:48p.m.

Ah, found the bug. Will upload the fix soon.

Not so much IE being buggy, it just didn't handle my mistake as well as some other browsers did!

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