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Heisig keywords for compounds

Laspimon   February 2nd, 2013 10:25a.m.

On the website, would it be possible to get one-click access to Heisig-keywords for compound words? I have just started going through the course again, and I have words that contain characters I have not yet "learned" the Heisig-way and some of them are clogging my Skritter studies.

nick   February 2nd, 2013 4:13p.m.

I'm not sure what you mean. Heisig doesn't have keywords for multi-character words, does he?

Laspimon   February 3rd, 2013 1:29a.m.

I mean adding a way to show the keywords for each individual character in the compounds.

If I study individual characters, e.g. 均 Equal, I answer, and then when I get to the grading, it is broken down into 土 soil and 匀 uniform.

But when I meet a compound, and want to know the keywords for its characters, I have to open the "more info" page, and then I need to open each character in sequence in order to look at their keyword.

I know my explanation is a bit unclear, if it's not enough I can post screen shots later. But I have to go now...

Laspimon   February 3rd, 2013 7:00a.m.

Reading pompts:
and definition prompts:

None of them show the keywords for the individual characters.
Opening the details panel doesn't help:

You need to open each character separately in order to find the key word:

nick   February 4th, 2013 2:47p.m.

We can't easily display each component character's info in the front side for the reading and definition prompts, because those are displayed for the whole word, not on one specific character in the word at a time. Giving all the info is what the word popup is for.

But as you point out, it seems like there's a limitation in the "Characters in Word" area where the Heisig keywords are not included. I've put a fix for this up on beta. Thanks for the great bug report!

Laspimon   February 5th, 2013 4:22a.m.

Great, thanks.

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