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Going to Shanghai soon

Tove   September 14th, 2010 5:40p.m.

I have a non-Skritter related question, and hope it´s okay: I will hopefully be going to Shanghai for ten days in the end of October. I am really excited by this since I haven´t been to China since 1987... If anyone wants to recommend something not to miss while there it would be extremely appreciated. For example, which areas can be good to live in? I have no idea since the city is so big... And will it be possible to Skritter while staying in China?

mcfarljw   September 14th, 2010 8:13p.m.

Yes, you can Skritter in China as long as you you have an internet connection and a computer with the proper applications installed.

I can't really comment on anything not to miss as my stay was for under 4 days and entirely filled with visiting friends. But if you're there for ten days check out the Shanghai group forum:


I've been using this site for traveling and hosting people for about 2 years now. Meeting locals and other foreigners has ALWAYS provided me with unique experiences that seem to trump a Google search or travel brochure :)

Tove   September 15th, 2010 6:07p.m.

Thanks, I will check that out! The whole evening has now been spent on the Internet looking for possible flights and hotels. I haven´t even had time to do my daily skritter exercise...

Neil   September 16th, 2010 12:24a.m.

where's Byzanti when you need him?
@Byzanti - hows things in Shanghai??


Byzanti   September 16th, 2010 12:45a.m.

Byzanti has a huge pile of Skritter reviews and flashcards to catch up with, but will get back to you as soon as he's managed to clamber out of this bottomless pit.

To be honest, I haven't really had a chance to see all that much of Shanghai yet (despite being here for, err, more than 3 weeks). Had a quick walk through the French Concession, quick walk through the Bund, and also visited the Apple store for kicks.

Well, French Concession is nice for the architecture and cafes, and they have a couple of touristy spots (ask one of the many Expo Volunteer people who are situated everywhere to circle some places on a map).

The Bund probably has some interesting touristy bits, but I lack a Lonely Planet so wasn't sure what to look for. Has some jazz/blues clubs though.

People's Square/Nanjing Lu (I forget 西 or 东) for shopping. Xujiahui for computer stuff.

Outside Shanghai proper I've heard there's a race car track where you can rent a car/bike for a bit. There's also an indoor ski place (which is massively flat as the Chinese can't ski).

You're probably best off to get a copy of the Lonely Planet really.

Oh, as for places to stay, I've heard the hostel called "mingtown" near People's Square is great. Haven't been though.

But I'll definitely get to the expo before it closes...

mcfarljw   September 16th, 2010 1:11a.m.

Byzanti reminded me that I went to a pretty cool jazz club and heard to great big band music. It was also directed by a big cuban guy who was drinking and smoking a cigar (which added all the more to the experience). Here's the website:


It was pretty snug on the weekend, especially on the first floor with the stage, but have a more open second floor where the music was also easily audible.

On a random side note. They also had two guest trumpet players who were from Ohio and studied at Oberlin. I believe they were doing some music abroad experience for several months. I only mention it, because it's about 2-3 hours away from my house and I found it rather coincidental.

Neil   September 16th, 2010 7:57a.m.
nick   September 16th, 2010 8:08a.m.

Oberlin loves to send lots of brass players to be independent jazz musicians living it up in China for some reason. I don't know if it's Oberlin-specific, either, or if that's just what jazz sax players do.

jww1066   September 16th, 2010 11:01a.m.

@nick probably it's cheaper than sending them to NYC. ;)

murrayjames   September 18th, 2010 11:13a.m.

@nick, mcfarljw. JZ is cool. I have lots of close friends in China who play there. And yes there are tons of Oberlin/Cleveland musicians in Shanghai. I actually know a guy who double-majored at Oberlin in Jazz and Chinese, and then moved there :-)

@jww1066, As a jazz musician who's lived in both places... yes Shanghai is cheaper, much cheaper.

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