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Quick Add Bar and Page Alpha Testing

scott   October 1st, 2011 2:19p.m.

Hey guys, along with the release of the quick add shortcut today, I'm also opening up the other two new features, the quick add bar and the quick add page, for alpha testing. The bar in particular I'm interested in; it's replacing the quick add popup in most and cases and it's a fairly complicated piece of code. I'm still finding things to fix and tweak with it after many hours of testing. If alpha testers could give it a try (it's hooked up through word popups and the quick add page and shortcut) and give feedback and bug reports I'd very much appreciate it!

The quick add page: http://www.skritter.com/vocab/quickadd

Quick add shortcut: Shift-A (when not typing in a box or input)

To become an alpha tester: http://www.skritter.com/account/settings-general

We'll be releasing these other two for the general populace in the near future!

Catherine :)   October 1st, 2011 3:02p.m.

Two things...

When using Shift-A on the study page, the "A" part still activates the shortcut pronunciation of the current word. Not really a problem, but it did confuse me for a second and it might bug some people!

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I've seen no sign of the quick add bar, only the pop-up mentioned in your blog.

scott   October 1st, 2011 3:14p.m.

Thanks for the tip on Shift-A! Gotta make sure we don't collide with ourselves; at least we can control that.

You'll see the quick add bar if you add something with the quick add shortcut, or if you click one of the quick add buttons in the word popup. Have you done either of those two things?

EDIT: Whoops, I forgot to move the version over to the latest code. Now it's up for real!

Catherine :)   October 1st, 2011 3:21p.m.

Ok, I think I know what you're referring to. But it's a bit confusing - I tried to add a word by pressing Shift-A while on one of my list pages, and it didn't ask me which list to add it to. Searching "my words" came up with the word, but not in a list. Is this how it was meant to work?

Catherine :)   October 1st, 2011 3:28p.m.

Ooh, I think it worked properly when I used the quick add page. It automatically added to "miscellaneous" and the little bar came up and allowed me to click "wait!" and change which list to put it in.

However, when I tried to add 谢菲尔德 (Sheffield) it said "checking word status", the bar filled up green, and then the page went completely white! When I refreshed and tried again, it behaved correctly - it gave me the chance to add a definition, then added it to "miscellaneous" like above.

And when trying again on the progress page (by pressing Shift A), I managed to add 百香果 and move it to the correct list... So I'm not sure what went wrong the first time!

Edit: Just got your message about the latest code! That seemed to sort things out!

Edit 2: 百香果 did move to the other list, but it also stayed in "miscellaneous"...

scott   October 2nd, 2011 6:00p.m.

Thanks for the report Catherine! I'd say the screen turning white was probably due to some cached files that hadn't been refreshed. Let me know if you see it happen again though!

I've gotten another report of words not properly being removed from the first list when you try to move words to a different list. I'll work on that, thanks.

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