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Strange behavior while adding from word popup

Mandarinboy   October 4th, 2011 2:51a.m.

It might be me that do not understand how this works but this puzzles me. I study a new character and click the popup to see some high frequency words with this characters, by the way an fantastic feature that i really love. There i choose to add one word and that goes fine. Then i add a couple more from that popup but they are all marked as skipped in the new add popup. Why? I can click the wait button and then choose to save anyway. That works but the words in the original popup do not get updated. My two brain cells struggles with understanding this.

Mandarinboy   October 4th, 2011 8:03a.m.

To add some more, Once I have closed the popup I can't get the feedback popup to come up. If i start up a new session and click it works but if I have ever used the word pop up and closed it I can't bring up the feedback. Eve if I go to other words and try it will still not pop up. I had one small remark about the word: 很爱. The pinyin is marked as he nai. When listening to the sound that is also he + nai instead of hen ai. Sort of fun but can be confusing for beginners. My favorite is still this: 恶作剧. Sounds like the speed is at least twice as fast as it should.

scott   October 4th, 2011 9:52a.m.

Sounds like a bug. Remember, this is an alpha feature, still being debugged in preparation for release. So if something seems weird about it, it's probably not you. I'll see if I can reproduce these and get it fixed. Thanks for the report!

scott   October 4th, 2011 12:24p.m.

Okay it's all fixed. I wasn't able to reproduce where the quick add button doesn't properly update though; whenever I click it while it's a blue plus, it will properly update to an orange check. Is this what you were referring to in your first post?

The feedback thing was caused when we made a change to fix how the feedback popup was making the study page unnecessarily tall. Fix one bug, make (or in this case, reveal) another.

I've forwarded on your sound comment through our email system.

Mandarinboy   October 4th, 2011 3:18p.m.

Yes that where the issue I where referring to. I can see now that it works for me too. Before it did only work for the first word i added but now it works for all of them so everything is just fine. Thanks!

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