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Chinese music notation software

bobneudecker   November 9th, 2011 8:01p.m.

Can anyone recommend a software program for inputting musical notes in the Chinese fashion?

mcfarljw   November 9th, 2011 11:47p.m.

I know the way they teach it in school is called 简谱(jian3pu3) or numbered music notation. I've always just written out things, because you don't need staff paper.

I've give a Google search of "numbered music notation software" or a Baidu search of "简谱软件".

I haven't tried it, but this software looks simple and free.


bobneudecker   November 10th, 2011 12:24p.m.

Thanks for the tip. I installed the program and tried it out. It is an alpha release of a very rudimentary program. I'll keep looking.

atdlouis   November 10th, 2011 9:49p.m.

I just started learning the erhu 二胡 and I've been looking online for music vocabulary, like octave, scale, dynamics, staccato, slur, that sort of thing.

Does anyone know of a site or a list? Thanks!


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