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Hint for first stroke.

夏普本   December 5th, 2012 3:41a.m.

Does anyone else find that initially you have no idea where the first stroke should be, but once you have the first one, then you can write the rest. This is posing some problems when I am writing in class, I just can't remember how to start the characters. Is there a way to turn of the hints or mark as unknown if you need any hint at all. I know I could change the ranking manually but that takes so long and often involves me having to go back to change the ranking. Some characters can have several hints and still be marked as green.

俞翰森   December 5th, 2012 3:55a.m.

Use Raw Squigs (in IOS under settings and study, on web page on study page in "settings"). With this you have to write the whole character without any guidance and is checked once you are done.

jlau   December 5th, 2012 6:41a.m.

Raw squigs doesn't actually work like that though. It won't let you write the stroke unless it's the right kind of stroke so it basically doesn't appear until you have the right stroke. The only difference is that it's much less pretty.

I was trying to use Raw squigs for this exact reason, but because it works almost the same as normal writing, I turned it back off

nick   December 5th, 2012 3:29p.m.

bjnsharp, when you get the initial hint which you wish would mark you wrong, what is happening to trigger it: tapping once to get the first stroke, writing a few random strokes until the first stroke shows up, or writing a few strokes of some other character which you've confused with this one?

夏普本   December 5th, 2012 4:55p.m.

A lot of the time it probably is my fault, if I can't remember after a couple of attempts the first stroke I will just tap to get it. Depending on the character this could cause it to be marked incorrectly or stay green. Maybe I just need to be more strict at not "cheating". I think it would be nice to have an option like stroke order strictness but which could be set so that if the first stroke is incorrect it automatically marks the character as incorrect. I guess that would not be hard to encorprate, but maybe it's just something I want.

oktay   December 6th, 2012 5:16p.m.

if you can't remember the first stroke and it turns out to be green at the end, just manually change it to red

夏普本   December 6th, 2012 6:17p.m.

Yea I could do that, which is what I try and do anyway. But sometimes it's moved to the next character and can't be bothered to go back, or I end up revealing parts of the next character when trying to go back. Personally, unless I can remember it completely it is not remembered and shouldn't be marked green, so if a hint is needed or a stroke entered completely wrong then it should be marked wrong.
I would just like some freedom to change a strictness of grading in this area in order to save me time and to make me grade myself better. I just feel if it was set in the app I'm less likely to cheat.
Anyway just a suggestion for the future maybe.

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