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example sentence doesn't work

eurowatz   December 17th, 2012 9:48a.m.

i can't get the example sentences displayed that i chose. skritter displays examples that are not in the list and if i chose another one nothing is displayed at all. if i look up for more info on the word with the magnifying glass the example is displayed ok. once i go on studying the examples do not work again.

eurowatz   December 17th, 2012 10:00a.m.

here is an example: for 应该 i get the following example sentence: 另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多.

I find it to lonh and want to change it. Looking up all examples i can chose from the following, the above sentence is not one of them.

wǒ kàn nǐ bù yīnggāi.
I don't think you ought to.
nǐ yīnggāi kělián tā.
You should take pity on him.
nǐ yīnggāi qù kàn yīsheng.
You should see a doctor.
nǐ yīnggāi zài xìxīn xiē.
You want to be more careful.
yīnggāi zhèyàng zuò gōngzuò.
The work should be done in this way.
nǐ zhēn bù yīnggāi nàyàng zuò!
You shouldn't have done that!
wǒmen yīnggāi fēnqīng shìfēi.
We should make a distinction between right and wrong.
jué bù yīnggāi zébèi tā.
She was in no way to blame.
nǐ rènwéi yīnggāi gānyù ma?
Do you consider it wise to interfere?
wǒmen yīnggāi zūnshǒu lǐjié.
We should observe the proprieties.

I chose example number 3: 你应该去看医生, but ot wont be displayed and i still see the very long and rather difficult sentence i mentioned in the beginning. I guess you are working on implementing custom examples and i understand if there are some bugs. I actually very much appreciate that effort and can't wait to use my own custom examples. thx

junglegirl   December 17th, 2012 10:58a.m.

Yes, I've just come across this problem today too. Never seen it before.

夏普本   December 17th, 2012 12:46p.m.

Never used the example sentences before, but from what I see here it looks great. Am I right to think that this is in the process of being added to the app?

Sorry for hijacking the thread.

nick   December 17th, 2012 1:12p.m.

Right; the example sentence system is in flux, so choosing example sentences doesn't work any more until I get the chooser popup to use the new sentence system (which is what I'm working on today).

It'll be a little longer before we add it into the iOS app, but yes, they'll be in there after they're ready on the web.

nick   December 17th, 2012 9:24p.m.

I've just uploaded a new sentence chooser popup on beta, so try it out over there. Don't have the adding/editing of sentences yet.

pprendeville   December 19th, 2012 11:45a.m.

I've started to copy and paste in the sentences under the definition manually. Slow I know. Any idea when this feature will available on iOS?

nick   December 19th, 2012 1:45p.m.

I'll be dumb and make a public development estimate for you: probably in January or February. Thou shalt not treat this as a promise.

I have new sentence creation working on beta for Chinese, now, but the interface needs a lot of work.

karimeli   December 20th, 2012 12:07a.m.

ok, noted as example sentence is a very usefull tool, can'wait to see it re working

lechuan   December 20th, 2012 1:10a.m.

@nick, you should make a bet with Mike@Pleco and see who can release closest to the estimated date :P

eurowatz   December 23rd, 2012 12:48a.m.

works great! For me this really is a mayor improvement and a am very happy to be able to use my own sentences (mostly picked from tatoeba; dict.cn and dr.eye). i have one issue though: some of the sentences i want to imput are marked as allready existing and i wont let me save them. i can't pick them from the (limited to 10?) list though. any ideas on that?

nick   December 26th, 2012 1:08p.m.

Can you give me some examples of sentences, eurowatz, and which words you're trying to input them for? It may be that we need to implement paging on this guy, or perhaps bring in the existing sentence when you try to create it.

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