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Disable writing sound effect (web)?

Mats   December 30th, 2012 4:25a.m.

I can't find a switch anywhere to disable or change the sound effect on the web when writing characters, the sound played for each stroke I draw.
After a while it get's annoying but I don't want to turn down the volume since I like to hear the character/word read out after I have tried writing character/word.

Is it possible to either disable it, change volume for that sound or change sound effect?

nick   December 30th, 2012 11:17a.m.

To disable web sound effects, on the study page, click the settings gear, then disable sound effects. This doesn't affect pronunciation. But I'm not sure what you're talking about, because on the web, there isn't a sound effect for each stroke you write.

Mats   December 30th, 2012 3:22p.m.

Aha... just found out it's a setting in the Bamboo tablet, woops, my bad,
不好意思 :)

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