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Audio for incorrect pinyin?

HylanKnight   January 14th, 2013 9:39p.m.

For the pinyin tests, it plays the audio for what I type, even if I type the wrong sounds. This is a huge problem for me, because it's reinforcing my mistakes. Is there any way to make it so that it only plays the correct audio after I hit enter?

nick   January 15th, 2013 2:06p.m.

There were a couple old threads about this, but I can just find one:


Basically, we could have it do it one way or the other (not playing character-level audio as you type, vs. playing it but potentially playing sounds for your mistakes), but I haven't gotten enough user opinions on the matter. If others want to weigh in, it would be helpful.

lechuan   January 15th, 2013 7:50p.m.

I'd say it's better to hear nothing rather than the wrong thing.

russell359   January 15th, 2013 11:39p.m.

I agree with lechuan and HylanKnight, I'd prefer not to hear incorrect audio.

fungsousa   January 18th, 2013 5:31p.m.

I prefer to hear incorrect audio. Otherwise I would know the answer is wrong before I hit the enter. I often write the wrong pinyin and by listening to it, I understand that I wrote wrong, and then can correct to the right pinyin. If my answer is wrong then after hitting enter the lady reads to me the correct tones, so i can understand what i have chosen wrong.

I see it like in a classroom, when I speak to the teacher in the wrong tones, he will repeat after me in the correct tones so I can understand what I spoke wrong.

If there is much discussion about this, I would prefer to make it an option in settings.

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