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"Look up more info on this sentence" bug?

Mats   January 20th, 2013 5:55a.m.

I looked at recent threads but can't see this problem reported so here goes;

In sentence popup selection window, if I click on "Look up more info on this sentence" I always get the same sentence, either a bug or me confused..

Example, I'm on 派 and thought one sentence had a bug, "你吃过香蕉派吗?" - I'm not that good at chinese but should 'pie' (like in banana pie) be "排" as in my Pleco dictionary?

So I was trying to choose that sentence to report but I get the "我家属低教会派" on every sentence on that page.

nick   January 20th, 2013 3:15p.m.

I see the same bug--thanks for the report. We'll check it out.

DependableSkeleton   January 21st, 2013 10:05a.m.

For what it's worth, my wife says that 派 is correct. However, she laughed at the idea of a banana pie.

scott   January 21st, 2013 3:24p.m.

Think it's fixed now. Give it another try.

Mats   January 21st, 2013 3:46p.m.

Looks like it works, thanks!

@DependableSkeleton, oh so it's correct then, thanks! Well the banana was in the example, I'm not sure about the taste, maybe it's good ;)

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