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Possibility of Skritter remembering compund word mnemonics.

pprendeville   January 23rd, 2013 12:19p.m.

Not sure if I've gotton the terminology correct in the subject but what I mean is as follows. When I enter a mnemonic for individual words is it possible for Skritter to remember them when the 2 words come together.

For example, for '小' and '姐', the mnemonics I've inserted for each character individually are as follows:
小 - A *SMALL* _bird's foot print_.
姐 - A *woman* that always has something *further* to say - your *OLDER SISTER*.

When 小姐 comes up together however I have to create another seperate mnemonic and this can be quite complex especially when there are 3 seperate characters together, eg. 对不起. It would be great if the mnemonics that I previously entered for the individual characters were to appear in a format similar to the following for 小姐, just seperated by a slash (A SMALL bird's foot print. / A woman that always has something further to say - your OLDER SISTER. ) to save me the hassle of thinking up another one and I could relate to the original mnemonic thereby reinforcing the character in memory.

Inserted a picture here of what I mean to clarify for 名子. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-_ZjhtS0VDaE/UQAdYJn_KWI/AAAAAAAAA3E/a7ykzpIKq9c/s912/Mingzi.png

As you can see, there is no mnemonic for 名子 together but I have put them in for the individual characters. Don't really want to have to manually copy and paste.

nick   January 23rd, 2013 9:26p.m.

Where would you want these auto-generated compound mnemonics to show up, exactly?

pprendeville   January 24th, 2013 7:50a.m.
nick   January 24th, 2013 2:07p.m.

So it would automatically become your word-level mnemonic? I don't think this will play well with the way most users would want to use those mnemonics--usually people don't just concatenate the character-level mnemonics for words.

pprendeville   January 24th, 2013 2:36p.m.

Ya I'd say your right but if you look at compound word levels, very few have mnemonics.

pprendeville   January 25th, 2013 12:47p.m.

Would it even be possible to have this idea as an option? If you wanted to use it select a check-box, if not leave it blank?

nick   January 25th, 2013 2:41p.m.

We try to avoid options when we can, because they add a subtly large cost in terms of maintenance, support, interface complexity, etc. So we try to only add options when a large number of users need them.

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