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Adding related words.

夏普本   January 27th, 2013 11:31a.m.

Not sure if there is a way to do this, but I can't find it. I only use the app and therefore need a way to do this through the app if possible. Basically when I have a character I am struggling with, I like to add more words containing that character, I find this reinforces it much quicker if I have multiple words with the same character. Therefor I need some way of accessing the detailed information to add related words. As far as I see this can only be accessed through my words, but that means searching through a hell of a lot of characters/words. Would it be possible to access this information when the character comes up?

アグスティン (Agustin)   January 28th, 2013 12:46a.m.

I think thats not possible yet but i'd love that feature, it would be really helpfull

nick   January 28th, 2013 1:49a.m.

We're going to try to add a way to access the website's word popup through the app so that you can get to the containing words lists and things like that; you'd be able to quick add from there. It would be a couple extra steps and require some web page loads, but it would do the job.

For now, I would just star the struggling character in the app, and then later go to the website, click on each starred word, and get the containing words out of the word popup that way.

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