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credit card 24 month subscriptions

fungsousa   February 14th, 2013 1:25a.m.


my subscription expired and i am aiming at a 24 month subscription for $ 179.99 . However, when i select prepay the only option i get is 6 months for $60.

If I select the option Subscribe, then i get to choose the $ 179.99 option. this means that i will pay $ 179.99 right now? or that i will be charged 7.50 every month?

I would like to pay $ 179.99 right now because I will be using a virtual credit card which is only valid for one transaction. This is why i prefer the prepayment method using paypal.

nick   February 16th, 2013 1:12a.m.

It will charge you the $179.99 now, yes. It would also try to charge you in two years, but you don't have to worry about that as the card would be expired, so it just wouldn't work, no problem.

You could also cancel the "subscription" after the charge went through on the virtual credit card, and you'd still have all the time you purchased, but it wouldn't try to charge again in two years. Either way is fine.

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