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I wish I could use the older version of Skritter. Here is why:

Bohan   April 28th, 2010 1:05a.m.

I wish there was some way I can use the slightly older version of Skritter. It was perfect! On Chinesepod, this Lite version still exists, which is nice. The new version just simply did-away with three awesome(&simple) features:

1. The number of remaining characters feature. (for example "11 of 20" or "18 of 46"). With the numbers, I used to get a sense of satisfaction knowing that I was almost done with a list. Now, when I get toward the end of a list, I think "How many more?!"

2. Shuffling feature. Without it, I unconciously begin to memorize which characters come after which in a list. So, I think I'm learing the characters, but since I know which word comes after "腦海" , I'm actually inadvertedly cheating myself. Randomization is so important that Chinesepod recently updated their flash card "random card generator" because their old one would randomize the flash cards in the same way every time.

3. The tab that used to below the Skritter grid that had the next six or seven words in a list. What was cool about this is, at the end of a study session, sometimes I would go use that tab to search/find the words that gave me the most trouble, and go practise them one last time. Without the blue tab that used to be below the grid, we can no longer skip and search for words within a list...there is no way to skip/jump around. The way it was before was FAR MORE dynamic and effective.

What does everyone think? Nick, Ben, George and Scott, what do you guys think?

Bohan   April 28th, 2010 1:13a.m.

By the way, in case #3 above isn't too clear, what I meant was: Below the Skritter grid, there used to be the Pinyin of the next six or seven words in a list. What we were also able to do is click on an arrow pointing right to see the Pinyin for the following words coming up after the first set.

This allowed us to jump/skip around to certain words within a list, which was nice and convenient. Besides convenience, I think it was beneficial to learning because, like I mentioned in the first comment, I could review the "problem words" in a list one last/extra time to really master them.

mutoidman   April 28th, 2010 3:42a.m.

I dunno, I like using Skritter the way it was meant to be used: making use of the spaced repetition algorithm to decide what the next words I study are.

wrcooper   April 28th, 2010 3:43a.m.

I think what you're looking for is the Scratchpad:


or (in China):


雅各   April 28th, 2010 4:05a.m.

Hmmm, what your describing doesnt sound like SRS (:

nick   April 28th, 2010 9:21a.m.

Bohan, I think that you are not wanting to use the spaced repetition system:

If you don't want it to track your progress on each item and give them to you when you need to review them, then you can use the scratchpad and you don't even need an account. If you are using the spaced repetition, then the words will only be introduced in the order they are in the list, and afterwards won't be in the same order. So I'm not sure why you are missing out on both benefits: either you are getting the scratchpad and river control like you want, or the words aren't in the same order after their first introduction.

Have you added a whole list to study yet? It doesn't seem like you have many items. Generally, we would recommend enabling one or more lists and then usually studying "Everything" most of the time.

Bohan   April 28th, 2010 11:21p.m.

Hi Nick,

Thanks for that link. I didn't really know what spaced repetion is. I'll add more words and try it out

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