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feature suggestion - related words

Neil   September 8th, 2010 1:15a.m.

do people think it would it be good to have an option to display the other words in your list which use that same character?

this could be a small button alongside the speaker, star and magnifying glass on the character info plane.

useful when similar characters are used for a bunch of words, and when you come across a new word and want to relate it to the words you already know

missb   September 8th, 2010 4:25a.m.

I think that would be a great idea (and maybe easier the whole example sentences thing?). In class, whenever we learn a new word our teacher asks us what other words with the same character we already know. That made me realize that the 'kuai' in '筷子' isn't the same as in ‘快乐’!And differentiating my 'yang's would have helped me avoid writing '你最近怎么羊?' in a test...

Byzanti   September 8th, 2010 4:49a.m.

Equally, similar but not quite identical characters.

However, I'm happy to do this manually. If there are similar characters I'm getting confused about I make a note of it in the custom definitions field. Works well enough. If it's the same character I generally tend to remember that.

FatDragon   September 8th, 2010 7:43a.m.

If you note it in the custom definitions, doesn't that provide too generous a hint for the writing?

Byzanti   September 8th, 2010 7:49a.m.

It does provide a generous hint, but I only do it with words I really really struggle with (because I confuse them). This way I'm reminded of the distinction each time I visit the character. This has a lot of value in itself, and being reminded of the distinction has more value than the hint it provides in writing the character, especially when I was just perpetually confused to begin with. Can always remove the note in the future once I'm more confident with the particular characters.

nicogo   September 8th, 2010 8:39a.m.

Would be a great feature also for me

nick   September 8th, 2010 1:07p.m.

It's got a placeholder in the word popup and everything, but we will be a while in making it, because we need to fully integrated word frequency before we can sort and query for the most frequent words that use a character.

I've been putting a few disambiguation hints into the mnemonics fields, where they don't show up until afterward and so don't give a hint. I do share those, too.

jcdoss   September 8th, 2010 9:24p.m.

Neil, I think it would be an awesome idea. I have mine set to study individual characters and words, and sometimes when the character shows up before I have a good handle on it, I can't remember which word it came from. Having a short list (only 2-3 words would be sufficient, I think) would be very helpful.

Neil   September 9th, 2010 1:18a.m.

cheers Nick - sounds like you are already on it, and I'm sure something similar must have been mentioned before by someone here.

Interested to see how word frequency integration can be used for other acts of good or evil...

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