Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

server errors

jww1066   September 14th, 2010 12:56p.m.

For about ten minutes the practice page has been unusable due to repeated server errors. The forum's also failing intermittently.

nick   September 14th, 2010 1:10p.m.

App Engine having a party again today [sigh]:

I'll credit your account a day for the poor service.

jww1066   September 14th, 2010 1:28p.m.

Thanks! You can't credit me just a couple of hours, eh?

skritterjohan   September 25th, 2010 1:59p.m.

These server errors are getting annoying. Did you guys ever talk about what if they continue?

nick   September 25th, 2010 3:15p.m.

Increasing pressure on the App Engine team from all the other App Engine apps until they improve the situation, is all that's likely to happen. We're not going to move it.

FatDragon   September 26th, 2010 12:16a.m.

I wasn't able to access the site at all, .com or .cn, sometime late evening yesterday here in China. Is that the same downtime you're talking about James? Do App Engine failures cause the entire site to fail like that, or just certain sections of it like the actual app?

jww1066   September 26th, 2010 2:19a.m.

You can check App Engine status here. Looks green.



FatDragon   September 26th, 2010 7:55a.m.

Speaking of errors, the .com domain hasn't been working properly for me all day. It could be a cache thing, but has anybody else had this issue?

west316   September 26th, 2010 9:23a.m.

I had a few minor errors on it. It was only over the course of an hour or two, though. It wasn't a horribly big deal on my end.

nick   September 26th, 2010 10:15a.m.

FatDragon, I'm not sure what the problem is (systems seem good here), but I'll credit your account to make up for the lost time.

FatDragon   September 26th, 2010 9:14p.m.

Meh, no need to credit my account - I'm happy to support the site, so I see my account being credited as almost counter-productive.

The downtime in my first post of this thread was probably the same as James mentioned, and it came after I had already put in one session with Skritter, so it wasn't a big deal. The front page oddness seems to have been a cache issue on my end, as a wholesale deletion of my browsing history cleared it up. So all told, no harm done.

jww1066   November 2nd, 2010 2:38p.m.

More server errors yesterday and today. I noticed when I saw items coming up 2% due. ;( The JavaScript console is full of 500's.


nick   November 2nd, 2010 6:00p.m.

A small update from the App Engine team on this one:

As of 10am PST, November 2nd, 2010, we begin seeing elevated datastore
latency rates. Higher latency then caused a spike in
DeadlineExceededErrors across all App Engine applications. We quickly
determined this latency was being introduce by an ongoing upgrading to
a component of out infrastructure. After the upgrade was completed,
latencies did improve, but elevated error rates are still present.

As of 2:30pm PST, we are still seeing higher than average latencies
resulting in occasional errors. Investigation is continuing into the
cause and we will continue to update progress here.

- App Engine Team

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