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Suggestion for hiding pinyin option

Bohan   December 29th, 2010 11:57p.m.

I study using the "hide pinyin" option, while practicing writing and I noticed something that seems like it may have changed recently.

While studying with "hide pinyin", every once in a while I have to click "show pinyin" to get a clue of what I'm supposed to write, because the English definition might be any number of characters. When I click "show pinyin", the pinyin is shown, with a tone mark above the pinyin, which I don't like, because I prefer trying to remember the pinyin on my own.

Could the Skritter team please change it so that the tone marks don't appear ? I would really appreciate it!!

Byzanti   December 30th, 2010 2:30a.m.

The tone mark will only appear if it's a writing only prompt.

Bohan   December 30th, 2010 6:01p.m.

yeah, I still don't like that

nick   December 31st, 2010 12:58a.m.

It doesn't make sense to me to hide the tone mark on the pinyin until after you've completed the writing prompt. The reason the tone isn't asked for as well in this case is because you already know it well enough; you don't need to try to remember it then, too. Adding more code to delay the tone mark showing up until after you write it is adding complexity when we should be encouraging speed.

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