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Study Settings

arp   February 8th, 2011 10:48p.m.

Just went to Study Settings and am unable to set change what I want to study. I'm accustomed to choosing Writing or Definitions, etc.

Thomas   February 8th, 2011 11:50p.m.

The settings are now available through your account > language settings. Choose all the parts you plan to study and turn parts off one at a time through your study settings > 'temporary parts studying' when you want to focus your study session.

This essentially blocks you from adding new vocabulary when not studying everything you eventually want to, solving the partial addition problem. For example, in the old system I could turn off writing for an hour and add some words, I would have to turn on writing at a later time and add the words again, or change the settings for each individual word later.

A bit confusing, but will save a lot of frustration for a lot of users using automatic adding.

Thomas   February 9th, 2011 4:27a.m.

@Skritter Gods, PLEASE make a close or minimize button on the alert bar when not studying all the parts. I don't see how it calls for a blaring ALERT/DANGER YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER bar across the study screen.

It's catching my eye every time I look at a different part of the screen.

Bohan   February 9th, 2011 6:20a.m.

I was just about to start a thread just like this when I saw that someone else made one.

Very frustrating, just now

scott   February 9th, 2011 7:40a.m.

This is a feature we're alpha testing. I'm uploading a fix for the bug where you can't change your settings in certain cases.

That notification box is so far the number one (and only) complaint about it so I'll work on tweaking it to something less obtrusive or try adding a close button. Thanks for the feedback!

scott   February 9th, 2011 11:27a.m.

Okay I've put up some changes and the bug fix. Let me know what you guys think.

arp   February 9th, 2011 12:17p.m.

I change the study setting often, maybe once or twice per study session, so definitely prefer not to have to go into accounts for that.

Looking at the settings retrieved on the study page, it looks like I should be able to choose but still can't. Am I supposed to be able to do it from there?

scott   February 9th, 2011 6:24p.m.

Yes, you should be able to change your parts being studied there, and you've got alpha features enabled so that's fine. You have to select the radio button saying you want to study a subset of parts, then unselect parts you don't want to study. Or are the changes not sticking?

Thomas   February 9th, 2011 8:02p.m.

Much better with the lighter color. Thanks!

Thomas   February 9th, 2011 8:45p.m.

Just noticed the close 'x', which is even better!

arp   February 10th, 2011 3:23a.m.

Scott, still can't select that radio button... Nothing happens when I click on it. I'm working in Chrome with MacBookPro; also tried it in Safari and Firefox with same result. Thanks...

scott   February 10th, 2011 8:07a.m.

Ah, the reason you can't is because you have your overall study settings set to study only the definition. Go to the study settings under the account tab and turn on all the parts you want to study ever. Then you'll be able to select a subset of them from the study page. In this way we're splitting up the parts you want to study in the long term and the parts you want to study in the short term.

arp   February 10th, 2011 8:44a.m.

That fixed it! Thanks, Scott.

When this alpha started, it must have defaulted the setting to definitions in my study settings, because I rarely even do definitions, and had just set it there briefly from the study page for that session.

This coming May will mark 2 years of Skrittering for me. It has been a phenomenal tool. After dabbling at Chinese characters on and off for about 3 decades, it's honestly like a "dream come true." Sorry to use the cliche, but it does fit. I doubt younger learners have any idea what a difference it makes. I'm grateful to them and you all at Skritter headquarters though, because the techno-savvy keep pushing toward further excellence.

scott   February 10th, 2011 2:32p.m.

Thanks for your kind words, arp! We really enjoy hearing when you guys get good use out of this tool. And wow, you have been with us for most of the company's existence, huh? Hope you've enjoyed all the changes we've made in the meantime, it must seem like a different program from way back then.

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