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Suggested Readings

SGRuixue   February 22nd, 2011 12:20p.m.

Hello everyone,

I am looking for some good Graded Readers series at my level. I read all of the Chinese breeze graded readers,but they were too easy, and am almost done with the Cheng and Tsui "Readings in Chinese Culture" series level 2, (I have also already read their tales and traditions). I know about 1200 words and am an independent studier that knows 1200 words and am looking for more novel type readers if they are out there, but really anything will do.

dfoxworthy   February 24th, 2011 5:05a.m.

Have you tried Magic Tree House series? Its about 3rd grade level and has a lot of upper level words.(I recently added some words I didn't know and Skritter didn't have them in the word bank yet) There are over 30 books in the series I believe and it has English and Chinese depending on the side you start from. (not same page style)

xuefang   March 6th, 2011 4:33a.m.

I recommend Graded Chinese Reader series, book 1 has 2000 words and book 2 3000 words. Every book contains five stories and are quite interesting to read.

I also finished the Chinese Breeze books which were really easy. Also read the Graded Chinese Reader 1 and just started the second book. After that I'm not sure what to read.

Thomas   March 6th, 2011 5:15a.m.

I've been reading some children's novels to work up my reading speed. I'm not too sure about the exact level, but I'll recommend 冒险小虎队, a series written by Thomas Brezina. The books are interesting, have large print, and are written in everyday Chinese. They're a huge hit with the kids in China and you should be able to buy them at most quality supermarkets for a dollar or two.

SGRuixue   March 7th, 2011 6:21p.m.

I have the Graded Reader Book 1, but it has pinyin over every word, which doesn't help my reading. Do they have copies without the pinyin?

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